In November 2013, the Company intends to partially repay the loan in the amount of RUR 20 bn, raised through placement of bonds of series 07 and 08 in February 2013.
RusHydro Group is one of Russia’s largest generating companies. RusHydro is the leading producer of renewable energy in Russia with over 70 generating facilities in Russia and abroad. The company also manages a number of R&D, engineering and electricity retail companies. Group’s thermal assets are operated by subsidiary – RAO Energy System of East in the Far East of Russia. Total electricity generation capacity of the Group is 36.5 GW, heat capacity – 16.2 thousand GCal/h.
Russian Federation owns 67.1% in RusHydro, the rest is held by other institutional and individual shareholders (over 360,000). The company’s stock is traded on the MICEX and RTS stock exchanges, and included in MSCI EM и MSCI Russia indexes. Company’s GDRs in the IOB section of LSE, ADRs – in OTCQX.