14 Марта 2025 | пятница | 12:45

IAEA experts will acquaint themselves with the construction project of «Akkuyu» NPP

Ноября 12, 2013

The company Akkuyu NPP took part in the session organised by the Ministry of Energy and Natural resources of Turkey of the INIR mission (Integrated Nuclear Infrastructure Review) of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

INIR mission was designed to help member States of the IAEA in assessing the readiness of their national infrastructures for nuclear energy. In January this year experts from the international Agency were in communication with representatives of the Akkuyu NPP and defined evaluation criteria, regarding which, in turn, the Project Company has prepared its report. Within the missions there are IAEA staff members as well as international experts. For almost two weeks, the IAEA representatives will undertake intensive study of the readiness of Turkish infrastructure for the development of the energy system utilising peaceful atom.

The meeting was chaired by the Advisor to the Minister of Energy and Natural resources of Turkey Ilkert Sert and Director of the Department of nuclear projects NedzhatyYamach. During the meeting representatives of the Ministry of Energy reported that in terms of growth in electricity demand Turkey occupies the first place among the countries of Europe and second in the world after China. Annual growth in electricity demand is about 7-8%. The dependence of the Turkish Republic on foreign supplies of energy resources is rather high. The country imports 98% of the consumed natural gas, 92% of oil and 20% of coal. "In order to meet the growing electricity demand, we will use different sources of energy, including NPP", said the Minister of Energy of Turkey Тaner Yildyz during the opening ceremony of the International energy Congress, which recently took place in Ankara.

In the course of the meeting the issues discussed related to the safety systems of the NPP, procurement procedures, project funding, legislation, protection of the environment, readiness of electric networks. A separate discussion was focused on the advantages of the BOO scheme (build-own-operate), which will be used in the construction of Turkey's first nuclear plant in the province of Mersin. It was noted that within the project Turkish contractors will undertake up to 90% of the construction work and about 50% of the installation work, in addition, up to 20% of the station equipment will be made by Turkish suppliers. In general, the contribution of the Turkish side in the NPP construction can reach 35-40%, which is equivalent to $6-7 billion, and is a significant contribution into the economy of the country.

Turkish Republic confidently goes on the road of creation and development of the nuclear industry. Today in Turkey there is already 2 NPP construction projects – in the province of Mersin (Akkuyu NPP) and the province of Sinop («Sinop» NPP). It is worth mentioning, that since November this year, the Republic fulfils functions of the presiding state in the IAEA. The World Energy Congress in 2016 is planned in Istanbul. All these facts speak about Turkey's economic growth and that in the near future it will be among the advanced countries of the world.

INIR mission of the IAEA will actively explore the infrastructure of the Turkish Republic regarding its readiness to introduce nuclear power. Final meeting of the IAEA mission is planned for the middle of November this year. Representatives of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, TAEK (Turkish Atomic Energy Authority), TEIAS (Turkish company operating the grid) and managers of public institutions in Turkey will take part in this meeting. Also the final meeting is to be attended by the top-management of the "Akkuyu" NPP – Chief Executive Officer Alexander Superfin and Technical Director Alexander Afrov.

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