14 Марта 2025 | пятница | 03:38

TENEX finished low enriched uranium deliveries to the USA under the HEU Agreement

Ноября 18, 2013

TENEX (Techsnabexport, a company of ROSATOM) finished deliveries of low enriched uranium (LEU) to the USA under the Russian-American Intergovernmental Agreement Concerning the Disposition of Highly Enriched Uranium Extracted from Nuclear Weapons (HEU Agreement).

On November 14 the last batch of the Russia LEU for its further use as fuel for the U.S. nuclear power plants was sent from St. Petersburg seaport to Baltimore seaport. The shipping off ceremony was attended by representatives of the governmental agencies of Russia and the USA as well as Russia and foreign companies who participated in implementation of the HEU/LEU Program.

In the framework of events related to the HEU/LEU Program completion a panel discussion was organized. Its participants discussed various aspects of the Program preparation and implementation, its significance in the context of the nuclear disarmament and development of the Russian-American cooperation in the peaceful uses of atomic energy, as well as they answered questions of the Russia and foreign mass media.

Thus, TENEX fully fulfilled its obligations under the contract with USEC Inc. (United States Enrichment Corporation). This was laid down in a joint statement of the companies signed during the event.

The Russian-American Intergovernmental Agreement Concerning the Disposition of Highly Enriched Uranium Extracted from Nuclear Weapons (HEU Agreement) was signed on February 18, 1993. It became one of the most significant projects on disarmament and strengthening of strategic stability known as the “Megatons to Megawatts” program. Under the agreement Russia undertook to deliver to the USA over 20 years low enriched uranium (5% enriched with regard to uranium-235) produced from 500 metric tons of highly enriched uranium (not less than 90% enriched with regard to uranium-235), while the USA undertook to accept, place in the market, and pay for the separative work and natural uranium component of LEU. On January 14, 1994 the contract between TENEX and USEC was signed pursuant to the agreement. The first LEU delivery to the USA took place in May 1995 and in 2000 the program approached the average annual delivery level of LEU produced from 30 tons of HEU. Several Russian nuclear industry enterprises participated in implementation of the agreement, including Urals Electrochemical Combine, PA Electrochemical Plant, Siberian Chemical Combine, Angarsk Electrolysis Chemical Complex, and PA Mayak.

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