The interactive version of the Federal Grid Company annual report won third place at the 16th annual competition run by Rynok Tsenykh Bumag magazine and the social network INVESTOR.RU in partnership with the Central Bank of Russia’s Financial Markets Service.
The goals of these annual reports competitions are to increase transparency, to present and promote best practice in corporate governance, and to increase investor interest in the companies that participate in the competitions.
Russia’s largest industrial and financial organisations participate in the competitions, along with banks and investment funds.
The Federal Grid Company annual report received high marks from the expert jury, which included representatives of the Central Bank of Russia’s Financial Markets Service, the largest professional organisations and leading financial media.
Самолет на солнечных батареях пересечет Америку
Проектирование искусственного освещения
Строительство модульных зданий
Зеленый свет – атомной энергетике США