At Atomflot (a ROSATOM’s entity) a ceremony on the occasion of completion of France’s part of the program of the assistance to the Russian Federation in elimination of the nuclear legacy in the framework of the program “Global Partnership against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction” was held.
In the framework of the Program at Atomflot a project of installation of a 100-ton crane for reloading spent nuclear fuel (SNF) and radioactive waste (RAW) on railcars for further transportation for reprocessing and storage was implemented. The crane was designed and manufactured at own funds of the Russian party, while France allocated one million euro for its installation.
The new crane will replace the one that was used previously. Shortly, the crane will be tested and a Rostechnadzor’s operating license for the crane will be obtained.
Earlier, a SNF container storage facility and coastal loading station for potentially hazardous nuclear materials were built with the British participation at Atomflot to improve safety of SNF and RAW handling. Thus, the entire necessary industrial infrastructure has been developed in the territory of Atomflot. The company’s nuclear and radiation safety has been significantly improved owing to this infrastructure.
After the ceremony, a presentation of all projects framed by the Global Partnership program and carried out with the French involvement in the North-West Russia was held in Atomflot’s conference hall.
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