In addition to ROSATOM, 15 companies of the nuclear industry were included in TOP-100 rating. ARMZ climbed from 10 to 7 place and OKBM Afrikantov moved from 48 to 22 place. SPb AEP somewhat worsened its positions by moving from 22 to 42 place, the same as Rosenergoatom (from 33 to 39 place). New members of the rating in 2013 include: JSC TVEL (6 place), AEM (18 place), ZiO-Podolsk (20 place), Techsnabexport (27 place), NIAEP (30 place), Atomenergoproekt (44 place), GI VNIPIET (78 place), AECC (79 place), PA Electrochemical Plant (83 place), KMP (85 place), and SCC (90 place).
To compile the rating, the experts assessed annual reports of the companies, sustainable development reports, integrated reports and allied documents. The rating compilers believe that it is the integrated format that represents the world’s key trend in the corporate reporting development.
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