14 Марта 2025 | пятница | 15:54

Kahovskaya HPP has launched the turbine

Ноября 22, 2013

In November, 2013 Kahovskaya HPP (Ukraine) launched Kaplan turbine No.6 with the assistance of the group of specialists on pre-commissioning and installation supervision of OJSC "Turboatom".

After precommissioning and successfully carried out 72-hour load test the unit was handed over to the commercial operation.

During the pre-commissioning power and vibration characteristics, temperature condition of guide bearing and head under the cover of hydraulic turbine were checked. All controlled parameters correspond to the norms.

It is the sixth hydrounit of Kahovskaya HPP which was modernized by "Turboatom". During the period from 2000 to 2013 OJSC "Turboatom" carried out the modernization of all six hydraulic turbines of Kahovskaya HPP.

According to the contract signed in 2012, OJSC "Turboatom" modernized Kaplan turbine No. 6 of Kahovskaya HPP with the installation of a new runner and guide vane. After the reconstruction the capacity of hydrounit increased from 51.8 MW to 54 MW, increased reliability and service life of the turbine. Specialists of the enterprise also provided installation supervision, took part in pre-commissioning and put the supplied equipment into operation.

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