13 Марта 2025 | четверг | 15:12

Visitors of the exhibition "Energy of Karelia 2013" learned how to save money

Ноября 24, 2013

The fourteenth exhibition "Energy of Karelia 2013" was attended by several thousands of people. This year, the interest of the professional community and a wide range of customers was caused by the projects devoted to energy efficiency, energy savings and environmental safety.

Stand of JSC TGC-1 has become a platform for discussion of a wide range of issues: people were asking about how they can directly connect to Petrozavodskaya CHPP and receive thermal energy at the lowest rates in the region.

"I view the results of the exhibition as positive. The stand attracted a large number of guests. We talked about projects in the field of energy efficiency, new facilities and new programs. Visitors learned that Petrozavodskaya CHPP is not only the leading but also the most profitable producer of thermal energy in Petrozavodsk, — shared with his impressions Alexey Ermakov, director of economics and finance at Karelian branch of JSC TGC-1. — Consumers who are directly connected to CHPP significantly save money. Indeed, the rate by Petrozavodskaya CHPP is 2.3 times lower than by other market participants. For example, now in Petrozavodsk the neighborhood Drevlyanka-8 is built, and it will receive thermal energy directly from the manufacturer. At the moment, two five-story houses are connected to the network, and we plan to connect 64 more sections of houses and social infrastructure. Planned capacity is 13.6 Gcal /h."

Among other projects are: heating the largest shopping and entertainment center in the city with a total area of 72 thousand square meters, a modern five-story complex "Sun City", and the housing complex "Olymp". Here the group of companies "OnegoStroyService" has already completed work on their connection to the networks of TGC-1. Every house consists from about 200 apartments.

The implementation of these projects is possible due to modernization and backup equipment that was  made by TGC-1  in Petrozavodsk.

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