13 Марта 2025 | четверг | 14:58

Technical seminar on VVER technology was held in London

Ноября 24, 2013

A technical seminar on VVER-TOI design project was held In London. It was organized by Rusatom Overseas for the Department of Energy and Climate Change, Office for Nuclear Regulation and the Environment Agency of the UK.

The event was held within the framework of Memorandum of Understanding on commercial civil nuclear energy cooperation, which was signed on September the 5th, 2013 between ROSATOM and the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change.

The seminar was attended by representatives of Department of Energy and Climate Change, Office for Nuclear Regulation and the Environment Agency of the UK, World Nuclear Association and Nuclear Industry Association, Rolls-Royce, Fortum as well as representatives of Rosatom enterprises, such as Rusatom Overseas, GIDROPRESS, AEP, NIKIET, NUKEM Technologies, experts from Kurchatov Institute.

The main purpose of the seminar was to acquaint the British side with main technical characteristics and features of VVER-TOI as the first step of the work program under the Memorandum. Within the workshop the British party provided detailed presentations on ONR and EA activities as well as on Generic Design Assessment process, having pointed out what they expect from the Russian side at the point in which they start the GDA process. Moreover, in their reports they outlined the issues previously encountered by other companies, which had already gone through GDA.

Russian speakers told British colleagues about major characteristics and history of the VVER technology. Jukka Laaksonen, Vice President of Rusatom Overseas highlighted in his presentation the development of Russian approach to nuclear safety and safety aspects of VVER technology since 1970 and up to the present time. Representatives of Russian companies presented detailed reports on specific issues of the VVER project, including nuclear and radiation safety measures, approaches to analysis of design solutions.

According to Jukka Laaksonen, "it is important that Russian experts have understanding of GDA process. It was very useful to hear about lessons learnt from previous GDA processes so that we avoid the problems the other companies faced. It is also valuable for British safety experts to learn about VVER technology. I believe that this seminar is also very important to continue contacts between ROSATOM and UK authorities and safety regulators."

Sergey Egorov, Deputy Director General of Rusatom Overseas, believes that the meeting provides good basis for further work with documentation which will be forwarded to ONR. "We are sure that our project adequately meets all modern safety and reliability requirements to project solutions. Our task is to gain mutual understanding and to satisfy the regulator" - said Mr. Egorov.

ROSATOM considers British energy market as an attractive one, because the largest part of the existing British NPP fleet is planned for decommissioning in the medium term. At the same time, authorities of the country aim to radical reduction of CO2 emissions, and therefore provide the conditions for the implementation of an ambitious program for construction new nuclear power plants in the country.

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