14 Марта 2025 | пятница | 16:08

"Turboatom" took part in the meeting in support of the policy of the President of Ukraine

Декабря 06, 2013

"Turboatom" took part in the meeting in support of the policy of the President of Ukraine. Over 100,000 people came out to support the President of Ukraine; among them about three thousand were turbine builders.

Head of Kharkov Regional State Administration Mikhail Dobkin opened the meeting: "Kharkov region has always been a leader in the industrial production since the Soviet times. Academic institutions, institutions of higher education, high standards of secondary education, creative intellectuals, young people we can list endlessly - all these make us European city today, a city that is used to receive guests at the highest level. Today, the square was attended by us in order to support the President Viktor Fedorovich Yanukovich in his aspiration to defend the national interests of Ukraine in the negotiations with Russia, in the negotiations with the European Community. We hear a lot about the fact that those who do not want to sign in that form in which we are proposed the association agreement with the European Union those are against European integration. It is not true! In fact it is our President who has done over 3 years more than all other politicians put together so that our country will come fully armed to the Association Agreement. We are ready! But whether those who stretch out their hand to us are ready to see us being strong and equal. I think that the conditions which our country has got can not satisfy working people. These conditions can not satisfy those who seek to Europe for "tick", but not in order to make our country stronger! Therefore, to offer conditions which were never offered by others, offer us conditions because of which tens, hundreds of our enterprises will be closed - it is not for us! I am absolutely sure that in the near future the European partners will review the conditions which were offered to our country and we will enter into the European Community as strong, powerful and equal!"

Kharkov Mayor Gennady Kernes: "Citizens of Kharkov! Kharkov is a European city, those who live in this city love their country, love their President, love their future and children. Kharkov has won 4 awards of Council of Europe is the only city having such merits. Euro 2012 was held in Kharkov. Kharkov is preparing for Euro - 2015. Kharkov is a city of science, culture and youth, Kharkov is an industrial city, potential of Kharkov region is very large. Kharkov is a leader in attracting and foreign investments in Ukraine. Kharkov is a city of the future and we are all interested to be European city and live in European country. In honor of this, my friends and I covered 40 kilometers in support of the policy of the President Viktor Fedorovich Yanukovich and all those who stand up for that our country becomes European. I wish all citizens of Kharkov to believe in future, believe in our President and believe in our country. Victory will be ours! We will overcome all difficulties together which are put before us, but I am sure that our family, Kharkov family will be a leading city in the processes of European integration. "

General Director of OJSC "Turboatom" Victor Subbotin said: "Here three thousand turbine builders who came to support the President of Ukraine Viktor Fedorovich Yanukovich, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine that our country needs to harmonize relations both with the Customs Union and the European Union. Today the workshops of the plant are producing ten turbines for Russia, three turbines for Kazakhstan, shipping for ten countries of the world and slightly more than ten percent for the European Union. For the following year two and a half billion grivnas, one and a half billion of which are the countries of the Customs Union. We can not lose our markets; we can not remain without orders because citizens of Kharkov, families, our workers and their children are under our belt.

We support a balanced attitude to our life prospects. We call our government for continuing the policy of compromises and find solutions which will allow our country to remain in existing markets and of course obtain an access to the markets of Europe. We call that Ukraine should enter Europe through the front door with head up but not with the outstretched hand. Glory to Ukraine! "

At the end of the meeting the resolution was adopted in which the main address sounded the slogan "Form Europe in Ukraine!"

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