13 Марта 2025 | четверг | 22:29

Belorusneft bids for exploration and development licenses for oil fields in Ecuador

Декабря 09, 2013

Together with Ecuadorian state company Petroamazonas and Chilean ENAP Belorusneft participated in the 11th round of public tender for exploration and development licenses for oil fields in Ecuador.

The bid was prepared within the framework of the agreement on the establishment of a tripartite consortium, signed in July 2013. The envelopes with bids were opened on November, 28 in the Hydrocarbons Secretariat of Ecuador. A total of 4 oil producing blocks were put up for tender, in which an Ecuadorian company Andes Petroleum and Spanish Repsol Cuba also participated. Belarusian-Ecuadorian-Chilean consortium prepared a bid for the exploration and development of Block No. 28, located in the south-east of Ecuador. This contract includes exploration within 4 years and in case new commercial oil reserves are found, the contract implies a 20-year period of development and operation of the field. The submitted bids will be studied by dedicated boards of the Hydrocarbons Secretariat. The results of the analysis will be published in February, 2014.

Факты из архива:
Сибирская генерирующая компания примет участие во Всемирном дне охраны труда
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