13 Марта 2025 | четверг | 22:07

Brest Region Saw Introduction of Solar Power

Декабря 09, 2013

The filling station in Ivanovo has become the third in Belorusneft where alternative energy is used.

Electricity at this new filling station No. 64 is generated from solar power the same it is as at filling station No. 60 and No. 75 in Gomel,.

The photovoltaic power plant is mounted on the loft over the fuel-dispensing units. It comprises 40 solar panels. This is how energy is provided to the filling station. The capacity of solar panels at filling station No. 64 is 10 kW. Electricity is used for the facility needs, and the remaining amount is supplied to city networks. Such projects generate profit due to multiplying factors applied for selling “alternative energy”.

It is not the first time Belorusneft-Brestoblnefteproduct branch constructed a “green” filling station – hot water supply at two filling stations is provided by solar collectors. And in general, renewable energy sources are not new to Belorusneft. Beside these filling stations, a photovoltaic station was commissioned at the Belarusian Gas Processing Plant. Its capacity is 40 kW. Belorusneft is planning  construction of a photovoltaic power plant with the capacity of 3.6 MW in Rechitsa district, two wind farms (in Minsk and Grodno regions) with a total capacity up to 120 MW, biogas plant at the agricultural enterprise Belorusneft-Osobino with the capacity of 2 MW and “solar” filling stations – in each region of Belarus.

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