Shipments of TVS-2006, new modification of the cartridges, for the first loading of the Hanhikivi NPP (currently under construction) and for 10 years of its operation have been contracted with the possibility of renewal for the subsequent operation.
TVS-2006 fuel was developed in 2012 within an engineering project on core components of the NPP-2006, a new reactor. The lead unit, unit 1 of the Novovoronezh NPP-2, is planned to be commissioned in 2014. It will become the first commercial reactor of the NPP-2006 project. The fuel assemblies for its first loading were produced by Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant (JSC NNCP is within the management network of TVEL JSC).
Finland is the only West European country that operates Russian reactors: two units with VVER-440 reactors were commissioned in 1977 and 1980 at the Loviisa NPP. According to IAEA nuclear power generation within the country’s power balance accounts to 32.59%.
On December 21, 2013, in Helsinki, the representatives of the companies that are embedded within the network of Rosatom State Corporation signed a set of documents with the Finnish partners on three primary areas of cooperation within the implementation of the project of the Hanhikivi nuclear power plant construction under the Russian technologies in Finland.
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