Potential production capacity was tested through the sequential testing of six drilled strata, followed by final testing of all pay horizons concurrently. A daily natural flow rate of 7,000 barrels of oil was recorded.
Testing continues at two other drilled wells within the same field. 2014 will also see work begin on the drilling of six production wells under the company’s contract with China’s ZPEC.
The infrastructure necessary to bring the field into commercial production in 2014 is also nearing completion. Work also continues on the construction of a 170,000 bpd central gathering facility: the first line of which, with a capacity of 60,000 bpd, will come on-stream in the near future. Preparations for the construction of a 1.5 million cubic meter annual capacity gas conversion plant are also underway and work to connect the field to Iraq’s main pipeline network is also nearing completion.
Vadim Yakovlev, First Deputy CEO of Gazprom Neft commented: “With well testing completed we are one step closer to beginning commercial production at the Badra field. Since beginning development — practically from scratch — just three years ago, a Gazprom Neft-led consortium has completed a major project in establishing all the facilities necessary for large-scale production at Badra, and this will begin as early as this year.”
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