05 Февраля 2025 | среда | 03:09

Belorusneft and Zarubezhneft approved the ways to implement the first joint project

Января 12, 2014

It is related to pilot project of thermal-gas-chemical formation treatment technology in the Polessie region.

During Zarubezhneft visit to Gomel the parties discussed specific matters of the implementation of “Visha-Termogas” project, issues of design and preparation, approved the test configuration at the experimental area, i.e. intersalt deposit of the Vishanskoe field.

The implantation of the new technology will become the first joint project of the Belarusian and Russian companies which work as strategic partners within the consortium Souznefteotdacha.

It is planned to conduct laboratory research and select oil production method based on GOR values received during pilot test in the first half of 2014. It is expected that tests will be started in the middle of the current year.

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