57 auctions were organized for selling the Enterprise redundant equipment that emerged during the implementation of the decommissioning projects. INPP is planning to dismantle approx. 5650 t. of equipment in 2014. Part of the equipment will also be sold in auctions.
Efficient assets realization was assured by the following:
- reliability of the parties taking part in the auctions was assured by the deposit foreseen in the terms and conditions of the auctions;
- genuine competition between the participants and transparent selling processes were assured;
- goods were sold for the highest bid only (average price increase in the auction was 10 percent);
- close cooperation with INPP departments assured proper price justification of the complex equipment and effective attraction of the potential purchasers.
Ignalina NPP administration took all measures in order to assure transparency of public procurement and auctions procedures leading to the most efficient use of the Enterprise funds and asset management.
Hopefully it will encourage Lithuanian and foreign business representatives for more active participation in INPP public procurement and asset sale auctions.
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