05 Февраля 2025 | среда | 03:05

Shipment of FRUNZE products to Kemerovo «AZOT»

Января 13, 2014

PJSC «Sumy Frunze NPO» started to ship nitrous gases cooler manufactured by the order of JSC «Azot» (Kemerovo, Russian Federation). FRUNZE branded equipment to replace similar unit which is currently operating in the process line for non concentrated nitric acid production.

The specialists of Sumy Frunze Plant have designed, manufactured, successfully tested nitrous gases cooler specified by the Contract and are currently shipping this unit to the Customer.

This equipment is a wound heat exchanger, the main feature of which is that special grade of stainless steel, resistant to aggressive medium, was applied.

Until the end of December this year, products to be delivered to the Customer site, which is now actively engaged in upgrading its production facilities.

«Order of Kemerovo JSC «Azot» for manufacturing of nitrous gases cooler is not only one in 2013. Now the Company is nearing completion of work on the production of another similar unit, which according to the agreement with the Customer will be shipped in the new 2014» - Aleksander Duyun, head of Equipment for Chemical Industry Sales Department said.

According to Mr. Duyun, Sumy Frunze engineers and Kemerovo chemists have been collaborating for almost forty years.

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