986 wells were equipped with cathodic protection and electrochemical protection was implemented for 662.2 km of pipelines.
Special attention was traditionally paid to control the ecological situation in the Company's activities zone, to prevention and decrease of negative impact of crude oil production on all the components of the ecosystem. In the course of the measures implementation for protection of water bodies the target values were steadily maintained within the established standards. Only one chemical analysis laboratory of UPTZh for PPD carried out 11,094 sample analyses of waters from surface reservoirs and drinking sources in 2013.
Monitoring of the atmospheric air condition at the settlements located in the zone of JSC TATNEFT activities was carried out according to the approved schedule. 11,749 atmospheric air sample analyses were performed during 2013.
The integrated management system of industrial safety, labor and environmental protection of JSC TATNEFT, certified in 2006, successfully passed through the supervising audit on compliance to the requirements of international ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007 standards in 2013.
The Company's achievements of in the field of ensuring ecological safety at the oil production facilities in 2013 were marked by awards of federal and republican contests. By the results of the Republican "ECOleader" contest arranged by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan JSC TATNEFT was pronounced an absolute winner for the tenth time.
The Company was pronounced for the seventh time a winner of the federal contest "100 best organizations of Russia. Ecology and ecological management" and received a medal and a diploma.
TATNEFT was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the non-governmental ecological fund named after V.I. Vernadsky "For contribution to a sustainable development of the country and for high social and ecological responsibility in the environmental protection".
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