05 Февраля 2025 | среда | 05:41

Alexey Miller and Vagit Alekperov address progress with joint projects of Gazprom and LUKOIL

Января 17, 2014

The Gazprom headquarters hosted a working meeting between Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Company's Management Committee and Vagit Alekperov, President of LUKOIL.

The parties addressed the cooperation between the two companies, particularly the project to process associated petroleum gas, produced from the LUKOIL-Komi northern group of fields, at Gazprom's Sosnogorsk GPP. It was noted that the companies had agreed by now the project's schedule and had approved the process scheme for receiving, delivering and processing associated petroleum gas.

The meeting also touched upon gas supplies from the LUKOIL fields in the Bolshekhetskaya Depression as well as joint arrangements for gas shipments from LUKOIL fields in the Northern Caspian Sea.

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