There were 8,529 supplier companies registered in the Company's electronic trading system as of the end of 2013.
The Logistics Department of JSC TATNEFT arranged 1,827 two-stage procurement procedures in 2013 totaling 9,468 million rubles (1,508 procedures in 2012 for the amount of 8,779 million rubles). A call for bids was made at the first stage, while the second stage was the Dutch auction with price reduction among the participants who rated the whole lot. 1,237 auctions for the amount of 4,409 million rubles were held successfully (865 procedures in 2012 for the amount of 3,660 million rubles) with additional savings on the price determined at the first stage in the amount of 267 million rubles (231 million rubles in 2012).
Subsidiaries, service, contracting and independent oil companies were actively involved for further development of the electronic trading platform resources, which carried out 2,678 procurement procedures for a total amount of 6,857 million rubles (1,750 procedures in 2012 for the amount of 3,760 million rubles).
The Logistics Department (UMTO) of JSC TATNEFT continues systematic work to attract manufacturing works for participation in electronic trading operations. For the expansion of direct cooperation and attracting the widest possible range of manufacturers to participate in the electronic trading the Company organizes trips of professional teams to manufacturing plants, holds negotiations with the personal participation of the factories' management and sends targeted written invitations.
Usage of the electronic platform has allowed considerable optimizing of procurement processes through application of the extensive functionality, including automation of mailing notifications to tenders' participants, simplified reports generation, possibility of arranging different kinds of trades), as well as significant reduction of prices of goods, works and services.
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