In order to improve reliability of operating assets the Company continues to implement its comprehensive modernization program (CPM), comprising modernization of generating facilities and automation of major operations. In 2013, as a result of CPM implementation the Company commissioned nine modernized hydropower units with total capacity of 737 MW.
The Company’s development priorities also included operations and maintenance efficiency improvement, increase in installed capacity through implementation of investment projects, corporate consolidation of assets, profitability improvement of energy retail companies and improvement of competitive advantages of project complex, as well as other activities, including human resource development, water resources development, move towards target capital structure and enhancement of sources for investment program implementation.
The priority objectives of RusHydro in 2013 are considered to be gained. Due to high importance and continuation of works, some priorities are still relevant and included in the list of the Company’s priorities for 2014 with new objectives as per the Board of Directors’ decision.
The development priorities are one of the key tools for RusHydro’s strategic plan implementation; they are approved by the Board of Directors on an annual basis and include a number of key objects and activities, considered to be important for the Company in the current year.