Deputy Chairman of the Board at FGC UES Alexey Molsky spoke about growth prospects of the electric power system of the North-West at the conference “Development of the electricity market and reinforcement of electric power networks in the Far North”.
Pechenega Power Bridge that connects power systems of Russia and Norway implies construction of a double-circuit power transmission line 132 kV “Nickel – Skugfoss”, upgrade of the “Vykhodnoy-Nickel” line to 330kV, construction of switchgears 132-330 kV, installation of two autotransformers 250 MVA, installation of reactive power sources MVAr at one of two substations 150 kV (“Nickel” or “Zapolyarny”). Besides, it is intended to upgrade the data collection and transmission system, the electric power consumption measurement system, and the relay protection and controls system.
According to Alexey Molsky, “in the geopolitically competitive environment dominating in the European Region, the need to expand relations between BASREC countries and the North-West of Russia may become the main area of cooperation with Europe”.