These projects are implemented under the Corporate Social Responsibility policy pursued by the Holding Company in Krasnokamensk. The Russia’s Best Social Projects National Programme has been developed with a view to supporting efforts made by the Russian Federation Government to strengthen social policy through partnership between state, society and private businesses.
Actions undertaken within the framework of this programme enable companies and non-profit organizations to present their social projects and initiates and thus to enhance public awareness of organizations’ activity in the social sector in Russia.
The Youth Creativity Project ARTnova received recognition in the Youth Support and Development category. Since 2013, this project has been implemented on a regional scale and involved participation of children and young people aged 12 through 25 years. It is primarily aimed at cultural development of the Trans-Baikal Territory. During a month period, the project participants live in the territory of a youth camp, where they study under the guidance of professional teachers from the State Academic Bolshoi Theatre, the Lomonosov Moscow State University (Faculty of Arts) and the Stroganov Moscow State Academy of Arts and Industry. These studies result in performing a creative musical or show to be further demonstrated at theatrical venues in the cities of Chita and Krasnokamensk, the Trans-Baikal Territory.
The programme found a broad social response among people: the final show of the second ARTnova 2013 creative contest only in Krasnokamensk gathered more than 25,000 spectators, which was a 2.5-fold increase against 2012.
The Youth Educational Forum Ecoline was distinguished in the Educational and Information Programmes category. The project’s main objective is to promote an active civil stand and a model of socially responsible attitudes towards environment protection among children and young people, living in the areas of presence of ARMZ Uranium Holding Co. enterprises.
Within the framework of the Annual Environmental Education Forum for Youth ECOLINE, children at the age of 10 through 18 are provided with the opportunity not only to present their scientific developments on environmental culture, but to share their experience with schools, located in other regions of Russia.
The most sought-after among participants are three creative contests held within the Forum’s framework: the annual youth photography contest ECOArt, the annual youth social video contest “Under the SOS Sign”, and the annual journalistic essay contest “Word”. In 2013, more than 5,000 people took part in the ECOLINE Forum.
Under the Corporate Social Responsibility policy, ARMZ Uranium Holding Co. and JSC Priargunsky Industrial Mining and Chemical Union significantly contribute to the social and economic development of the Trans-Baikal Territory. An inherent part of JSC PIMCU’s activity is the implementation of relevant social projects. As a city-forming enterprise of Krasnokamensk, the second largest city of the Trans-Baikal Territory by number of population, JSC PIMCU pays considerable attention to upgrading urban infrastructure and creating comfortable working and living conditions for its employees.
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