Turning-gear starting of a gas turbine and a generator along with auxiliaries is a very important stage of testing of the plant’s assemblies. For 1.5 hours, with the oil system fully filled under pressure, the turbine picked up 95 rpm and operated for the required 15 minutes in this mode. Turning gear testing allowed inspecting the assembly quality of basic details of the equipment, turbine density, and operation of the turbine/generator lubrication system, as well as determining accuracy of installation and alignment of the turbine group’s shaft trains.
As a result of testing performed, no major comments were made as to the equipment operation. All mechanisms and systems operated in normal mode without failure. That means that assembly, installation and commissioning of the turbo generator set of the power unit No. 15 were performed at the high level.
In the middle of January, similar testing was held for a turning gear of the gas turbine plant at the power unit No. 14. The results turned out excellent as well.
It has to be recalled that Siberian Generating Company has been executing construction of Novokuznetsk GRES as part of the investment program on modernization of the existing generating equipment of the plant. Two gas turbine units with the aggregate capacity of 298 MW will operate in the peak-load mode compensating the increased demand of the region for electricity and power. The time of cold start and loading of one GTP up to the nominal load (149 MW) is not more than 18 minutes. To compare: startup of a boiler power unit requires a few hours. Construction of a gas turbine power plant also contributes to a social task: about 100 new jobs will be created in Novokuznetsk.