Implementation of that project will result in reliable heat supply to the community No. 68 which is a future site for residential development. In the years to come, it is planned to construct over 100 thousand square meters of housing accommodations.
The total length of the heating main will be 1050 meters (two-pipe system). The design thermal capacity will amount to 20.5 Gcal/h. The facility will enable stage-by-stage connection of all residential buildings, social and commercial facilities to be constructed in the community to the existing centralized municipal heating system.
According to the approved schedule, construction of the heating main is supposed to start in July. The facility commissioning is scheduled for 2014.
The total cost of the heating main is worth 107 mln rubles. Financing of operations will be performed out of an individual fee charged for connection to the heating system installed on case-by-case basis which was established by the Regional Energy Committee of the Kemerovo region for the developer of the community No. 68. This is the first time such a payment scheme for connection of new residential quarters to the heat supply is used in the city.
См. также:Об отмене общедомовых платежей в ЖКХ