06 Февраля 2025 | четверг | 09:21

Gas supply was started on compressor stations of LLC «STROYGAZMONTAZH»

Апреля 03, 2014

The construction and installation works were finished and pipelines were put into operation on Intinskaya, Novoprivodinskaya and Novoyubileynaya compressor stations built by LLC «STROYGAZMONTAZH».

Let us recall that ZAO YAMALGAZINVEST was the Customer of Intinskaya CS as a part of Bovanenkovo – Ukhta trunk gas pipeline system. The aggregate capacity of the station is 128 MW. Compressor shop-1 is equipped with four gas pumping units (GPU) of 32 MW each.

Novoprivodinskaya and Novoyubileynaya (1st string) were built as a part of Ukhta – Torzhok trunk gas pipeline system. ZAO YAMALGAZINVEST played a role of the Customer.

Four gas pumping units of 25 MW each were installed on the stations. The aggregate capacity of each station is 100 MW.

См. также:
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