06 Февраля 2025 | четверг | 10:12

Alstom and Transmashholding: 5 years in a giant partnership

Апреля 05, 2014

Alstom and its Russian partner Transmashholding (TMH) celebrated the fifth anniversary of the signing of their strategic partnership. Since 2009, the two companies have jointly developed several innovative projects via their engineering joint-venture, TRTrans.

The 2ES5 freight locomotives and the EP20, the first Russian locomotive to circulate at 200 km/h for passenger trains, are both excellent examples. The EP20 locomotive demonstrated its performances during the 2014 Winter Olympic Games, providing six daily services between Moscow and Sochi.

Many opportunities exist with TMH for urban, regional, high-speed or services in the 1520* market, an immense rail market with more than 85,000 kilometres of track, 1.3 billion passengers and 1.3 billion tons of freight per year.

The Russian company, with its 54,000 employees and annual turnover of €3.6 billion in 2013, is a giant in this market. TMH booked recently an order for 800 metro cars for the city of Moscow and signed a framework contract with RZD, the Russian national railways, to deliver nearly 300 regional trains.

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