This is the Company's 4th site using Granch SBGPS. The first system of the kind was launched at Kotinskaya Colliery. The equipment was aptly and promptly installed by SUEK-Kuzbass employees.
The system is integral part of the Smart Mine GORNASS package by the research-and-production firm Granch. It fully complies with Safety regulations. Granch SBGPS is able to continuously monitor a single miner's underground location with the tolerance of ± 20 m, communicates commands and voice signals to the miner, issues a danger signal and gets feedback confirming receipt and awareness of the signal. Lamp-integrated sensors measure gas levels around each miner and transmit the related data to the control room, providing an individual located below the surface with situation-specific guidance.
The mine dispatch manager can any time focus on a desired portion of the mine, determine the number of people in this mine section, get the needed information on employees, read the data of sensors integrated in individual lamps. All events are recorded to a server and maintained there for one year.
Launching Granch SBGPS at Taldinskaya Zapadnaya 1 provided the centralized control room of SUEK-Kuzbass with 3D models of all four of the Company's collieries located in the Prokopyevsk region, thus enhancing the mining safety monitoring level.
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