06 Февраля 2025 | четверг | 19:14

ROSATOM-CICE&T started a strategic session concerning implementation of safety culture management system in enterprises of ROSATOM

Апреля 24, 2014

22 April 2014 ROSATOM-CICE&T started a strategic session «Implementation of safety culture management system in enterprises of the State Atomic Energy Corporation «Rosatom».

The session is designed for specialists of departments responsible for safety and for HRD specialists.

The major objectives of this session are understanding of safety culture, development  of the target model of safety culture management system, safety culture evaluation and determination of key directions of safety culture development.

Director of the Department of Nuclear and Radiation Safety in «Rosatom» Sergey Raikov made presentation on «Integration of safety culture in safety management system of the State Corporation «Rosatom».

Group work was organized in the framework of the session to identify the current status of safety culture, needs and the best Russian and international practices in the area of safety culture.

The importance of safety culture is becoming an important aspect of the IAEA activities. The features of national mentality have an influence on this process. It appears that only the combination of high technology and high level of safety culture can ensure the sustainable development of nuclear technologies and provide a competitive advantage in the export of technologies to the recipient countries.

Strategic session will last for 4 days, and the result of group work should be proposals for developing a plan of safety culture management system in the industry.

См. также:
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