06 Февраля 2025 | четверг | 20:20

Address of the AKKUYU NPP JSC’s representative at the “Nuclear Energy Development in Turkey” Conference

Мая 01, 2014

The Conference Nuclear Energy Development in Turkey organized by the Chamber of Industry of Kocaeli city (neighboring Istanbul) aroused much interest on the part of entrepreneurs and businessmen of Turkey.

The participants have been informed about the principles and prospects of the nuclear energy development in the Republic of Turkey as well as how Turkish companies would be able to partake in the Akkuyu NPP construction process.
The following speakers addressed the Conference: Ayhan Zeytinoglu, Chairman of the Governing Board of the Chamber of Industry of Kocaeli, Necati Yamaç, Director of Nuclear Energy Projects of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Prof. Dr. Beril Tuğrul, Head of the Main Nuclear Research Directions of the Energy Institute of the Istanbul Technical University, Adil Buyan, Coordinator of the Nuclear Energy Technology Platform ((NükTe), Yusuf Ceylan, Safety Inspector of the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, Dmitriy Ivanov, Director of the Contract and Procurement Department of Atomstroyexport CJSC. Dmitriy Pokidyshev, Lead Licensing and Technical Coordinator in terms of the Akkuyu NPP power generation represented the Project Company AKKUYU NPP JSC.
Necaty Yamaç, Head of Nuclear Energy Projects of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of Turkey, exemplified the construction of nuclear power plants in the world. He said that companies interested to participate in the NPP construction in Turkey would be able to operate nation-wide and globally after completing some necessary conditions. According to Necaty Yamaç, companies planning to work in such a sphere of energy would be advised how to become vendors and join in the nuclear plant building. And any company must meet the bid conditions.
Dmitriy Pokidyshev, Lead Technical and Licensing Coordinator of Akkuyu NPP, told about the status of the first Turkish NPP construction project. He drew attention to significance of the local industry involvement into the project implementation. Summarizing the outcomes of the last three-year works Dmitriy Pokidyshev said that the Project Company was closely coordinating all its activities with the public authorities of Turkey. At the end his speech the Akkuyu NPP Lead Technical and Licensing Coordinator told that construction companies interested in the nuclear energy area should take part in the International Forum ATOMEXPO 2014 to be held in Moscow from June 09 through June 11, 2014.
Dmitriy Ivanov, Head of the Contract and Procurement Department of Atomstroyexport CJSC, while speaking attracted the audience’s attention to procedures of contract preparation and interactions with contractors. According to Dmitriy Ivanov, the criteria of specialists’ experience and qualification as well as product quality would be applied to companies-participants of bids when announcing consultation and information services to achieve outcomes while implementing the project through mutual consultations. The Head of the Department also mentioned that potential bidders should file their applications for participation in Russian and English.
Prof. Dr. Beril Tuğrul, Head of Main Nuclear Research Directions of the Energy Institute of the Istanbul Technical University, reminded the participants of the Turkish growing power demand. She informed the audience in details about features of the nuclear power plants in comparison with other power plants. Beril Tuğrul focused on the nuclear energy necessity in Turkey and told how and at what NPP building stage Turkish companies would be able to play the role of suppliers.
Adil Buyan, Coordinator of the Nuclear Energy Technology Platform (NükTe), gave a detailed account how the Turkish industry would support the construction process. Talking about equipment and adaptation models, Buyan mentioned the serious responsibility of the local industry for the quality of products to be supplied for needs of the NPP construction. Yusuf Ceylan, Inspector of Nuclear Safety of the Turkish Atomic Energy Authority, told about the regulatory and legal basis for licensing nuclear power plants, informed the audience about the licensing procedures, license status and quality management system.

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