07 Февраля 2025 | пятница | 01:16

Power Machines continue renovating Zhigulevskaya HPP belonging to RusHydro JSC

Мая 12, 2014

Power Machines OJSC has manufactured and shipped the sixth hydropower generator for hydropower unit No. 12 of Zhigulevskaya HPP.

According to the terms of a contract signed in August 2010 and also taking into account amendments signed afterwards, Power Machines OJSC are to execute turnkey works to renovate 14 hydropower units of Zhigulevskaya HPP, including a package of works to draft and approve the renovation project, construction and installation (disassembly – assembly) works, survey of the hydropower unit main components with changes in the scope of equipment to be supplied and works to be performed according to the results of the final approval of technical specifications and survey completed.

By present Power Machines has manufactured and supplied five hydropower units complete with generators for hydropower units No. 2, No. 4, No. 19, No. 1 and No. 18 to the plant. Hydropower unit No. 2 was put into operation in 2012 and hydropower units No. 4 and No. 19 – in 2013. Installation works are being carried out at hydropower units No. 1 and No. 18.

The last, 14th hydropower unit is to be put into operation in Q3 2017.

The installation of new turbines will enable to increase the rated capacity of each hydropower unit at the design head by 10.5 MW (from 115 to 125.5 MW). When the renovation of Zhigulevskaya HPP equipment is completed, the total capacity of the hydropower plant will increase by 147 MW.

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