The Company concluded a contract to supply the equipment to Kazakhmys Corporation PLC (Republic of Kazakhstan) in 2012. According to its terms, Kaluga Turbine Works has produced and supplied a 60 MW steam turbine. The next stages of works stipulated by the contract are installation supervision, commissioning and start-up. The new turbine is designed for the installation at the plant's fourth power unit to replace a life-expired 25 MW turbine produced in Czech Republic.
As a result of the renovation the capacity of the power unit will increase by 35 MW.
At present KTZ is producing one more 60 MW turbine designed to replace a turbine of the same capacity forming part of the fifth power unit of Zhezkazganskaya TPP. A corresponding agreement was signed with Kazakhmys Energy PLC in 2013. The start of the equipment shipment is scheduled for September this year.
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