The Company’s sustainable market position, improvement of operational and financial performance, among other things, owing to successful integration in 2013, compliance with securities laws, actions against illegal use of insider information, and observance of the Code of Corporate Conduct and Stock Exchange regulations made it possible to upgrade the Company’s listing to A2.
“Due to the listing reform to be launched in June Rosneft shares can be upgraded to the Moscow Stock Exchange Top List. This will allow the issuer to expand the investors base, primarily tapping into pension and insurance management funds,” said Anna Kuznetsova, Managing Director of the Moscow Stock Exchange.
Notes for editors:
Rosneft shares are one of the most liquid instruments in the Russian stock market. Since December 20, 2006 prior to being upgraded to List А2, the Company shares were on Moscow Stock Exchange List B.
Rosneft equity issue details:
Type of securities: ordinary shares;
State registration number: 1-02-00122-A;
Par value: RUR 0.01;
Quantity issued: 10,598, 177, 817 shares;
Ticker: ROSN;
ISIN: RU000A0J2Q06.
New Moscow Stock Exchange listing rules will enter into effect in June 2014. In accordance with the new rules, the number of securities listing levels will go down from six to three: Lists А1 and А2 will be combined as level one (top level) List, Lists B, C and F will be level two List and the third level List (so-called unquoted list) will be composed of listed securities that are not on level one or level two Lists.
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