The purpose of the meetings is to discuss and exchange the experience on radioactive waste radiological characterization during the preparation and transportation of radioactive waste for long term storage. Discussion took place on the status, problems and perspectives of radioactive waste management systems and radioactive waste characterization methodologies used in Ukraine Nuclear Power Plants. The concept of INPP radioactive waste management was presented by Ignalina NPP representatives. Participants of the meeting focused on the IAEA recommendations and Lithuanian normative documents application in INPP waste management, they were also interested in the enterprises’ experience in new radioactive waste management projects implementation. Participants were very interests in waste packages descriptions, management system and radioactive waste data storage that were developed by INPP.
The attendances of the visit had a close look at INPP radioactive waste treatment and characterization facilities. The delegation has visited the Buffer Storage Facility for Short-Lived Very Low Level Waste (B-19/1), Liquid Radioactive Waste Treatment Facility and Chemical Analyses Laboratory where radioactive waste samples are analyzed and testing is made. They also got to know about the materials radioactivity (free release) measurement equipment’s operational principles (Project B10). After the visit the participants talked about the problems related to the radioactive waste technologies and RW characterization, and summarized the results of the visit at INPP Facilities. The meeting parties agreed that such kind of meetings and sharing of experience shall become a good practice in order to share the knowledge, technologies and to avoid mistakes in the field of radioactive waste management and storage in future.
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