This nomination is instituted by the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP). SUEK OJSC received this award for the creation and implementation of the project School of Social Enterprise in the regions where it operates.
The Siberian Coal Energy Company has been implementing the project of the development of social enterprise since 2012 and the project has a goal first of all to form favourable conditions which facilitate the creation and stable functioning of small and medium enterprises of social orientation and the creation of new opportunities for the employment of population. Within the project there are performed the launch and expert support of the implementation of social entrepreneurial projects, are held social enterprise fundamentals educational events, is carried out the support of projects and social enterprise initiatives.
“The Company pays great attention to social and charitable activity in the regions by allocating annually considerable funds for social and charity projects, the integrated development of the territories, an aid for the poor and vulnerable social groups. One of the main directions of our work is social enterprise which takes an intermediary position between the traditional charity and entrepreneurial activity. Its uniqueness permits to harmonize a balance of interests and resources as of the territory so of the Company for the development of the economic sector and solution of social sphere tasks”, - comments Sergey Grigoriev, the Deputy General Director of SUEK OJSC, the President of the foundation SUEK-FOR-REGION.
The Award for a contribution into the development and promotion of social enterprise in Russia is organized by the Our Future foundation. The Award annually distinguishes the examples of successful social business cases, opens and renders assistance to new social enterprises, facilitates the integrated development of a social business infrastructure. The 2014 competition received applications for the Award in 9 nominations from 40 regions of Russia.
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