The parties agreed to compile a list of administrative and production facilities of Russian Grids’ subsidiaries that are suitable for such projects. They consented to working together on boosting energy efficiency and automating electrical facilities.
Russian Grids is also interested in learning from Teplocom's experience in implementing projects that were funded through outside financing instruments.
N.B. Since 1990, Teplocom Holding has been involved in metering energy resources of all kinds. The company is now one of the largest players in the energy conservation market in Russia and the CIS. It has implemented many projects in housing and public services, heating, water and sanitation, heavy industry and electrical power.
В котельном цехе Южно-Кузбасской ГРЭС смонтировали новый двухбалочный мостовой кран
Медицинский комплекс во Владивостоке к 2015 году получит 1 МВт электрической мощности