Such type boilers are designed for production of hot water of the temperature up to 150 °С with the purpose of its further usage in the domestic amenities heating and hot water supply systems.
The Contract stipulating development of the design documentation required for the execution of the project, manufacture of equipment, as well as supply of low-power boilers to the customer, was concluded between Krasny Kotelshchik and Nord Company in November of the year 2013. At present all the obligations under the above contract are fulfilled.
The equipment designed by the specialists of Krasny Kotelshchik stands out for its properties from the conventional hot water boilers with output of 50, 100, 120, 180 Gcal/h. In particular in the new design there implemented was L-type boiler arrangement, which has proved to be less metal-intensive and more competitive as compared to the P-type or tower-type arrangement.