The competition of monographs "Peaceful Applications of Nuclear Technology" was aimed to advanced undergraduate and graduate students.
Along with the winners of competition the members of the delegation includes experts from FIUBA, members of Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ARN), representatives of Nucleoeléctrica Argentina SA, experts of Balseiro Institute and Argentinian mass-media.
Besides Kalinin NPP, the delegation got acquainted with a permanent exposition about the station and nuclear power of Russia at the Public Information Center (PIC),
visited the Training Center of Kalinin NPP and the control panel and turbine building of Unit 3. The participants were able to ask questions about the Russian experience in terms of construction and operation of nuclear power plants with series of pressurized water reactors (VVER-1000), Kalinin NPP’s safety systems, technical data and plant’s experience in management of spent nuclear fuel.
On June 17, 2014 the delegation have visited the Centre for Virtual Prototyping of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC. The 3D model of VVER-TOI (typical, optimized, informative pressurized water reactor) was presented and guests were shown the capabilities of the Center.
The visit of the Argentinian delegation was organized by Rusatom - International Network JSC.