Participants of the Forum paid special attention to non-nuclear products of ROSATOM represented at expositions of JSC TVEL, the merged company JSC NIAEP – CJSC ASE, JSC Atomenergoproject (Moscow), JSC Chief Institute VNIPIET, N. L. Dukhov VNIIA, FSUE Eleron, as well as in booths of other Russian and foreign companies.
On the first day of the Forum, High technologies for power industry complex of the Russian Federation, Technologies of supercomputer modeling to solve tasks of the RF strategic industries, Machine engineering products for power industry, Modern design and construction technologies for complex engineering facilities, and Processes automation in power engineering and industry were discussed at the plenary meeting and round tables.
The second day of the Forum was dedicated to interesting and substantial discussions on the following topics of the round tables: Opportunities for suppliers in the nuclear industry; Superconductive materials, prospects of use; Modern safety technologies; and Application of radiation technologies. Nuclear medicine.
At the end of the Forum, the participants were offered two technical tours to the Leningrad NPP, where the participants could become familiar with the control system and safety systems at the NPP, as well as with stages of power generation by means of uranium nuclear decay. Another technical tour was organized at SPbAEP (a branch of the Chief Institute VNIPIET) that accommodates a virtual model of the NPP power unit developed under a federal target-oriented program Virtual NPP Power Unit with WWER Based on Super PC. The model is used in Saint Petersburg based on the most powerful computer in the city. This enables the Russian designers to test nuclear power plant designs by checking control algorithms and technical solutions of the design. Simulation of various situations enables the designers to detect required directions of the technical solutions optimization.
More than 300 representatives of the Russian and foreign companies took part in the events of the business program. The International Forum was covered by more than 18 Russian and foreign mass media.