The document was signed by ROSATOM CEO Sergey Kirienko and President of NAC Kazatomprom Vladimir Shkolnik.
The Memorandum provides for development of the bilateral cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of alternative energy and production of rare and rare-earth metals, which is based on agreements reached at the Russia-Kazakhstan consultations at the level of the heads of states. It is assumed to set up reprocessing of rare and rare-earth metals, their compounds and advanced process stage products with the use of accumulated scientific and production potential and feedstock resources available to the parties. Besides, the implementation of joint projects in the field of solar and wind energy is planned for.
The signed document provides for supplies of feedstock and reprocessing products based on rare and rare-earth metals to consumers in Russia and Kazakhstan and to the third country markets along with equipment and its components and exchange of expertise and knowledge. The Memorandum implementation entails a systemic analysis of the competences, production capacities and technologies available to the parties, as well as potential funding sources for projects. To ensure effective project management, Russia and Kazakhstan will consider a possibility of setting up joint ventures. Besides, an expert group to work on specific cooperation areas and projects will be set up in frames of the existing Russia-Kazakhstan working group on the nuclear power cooperation.
The Roadmap of fulfillment of the Memorandum provisions is to be approved by August 1, 2014.