The purpose of the Forum is promotion of innovative technologies and products including non-nuclear ones in the Russian and foreign markets.
International Form NDExpo includes demonstration of high-technology products, busy program on the key business lines, technical tours to the civilian nuclear enterprises in the north-west region.
On June 17–19, 2014, the First International Forum “Nuclear Power for Sustainable Development” – NDExpo-2014 was successfully held in Saint-Petersburg.
Non-nuclear products of the following State Corporation Rosatom enterprises was presented to the Forum participants: OJSC TVEL, Joint Company of OJSC NIAEP – JSC ASE, OJSC Atomenergoproekt (Moscow), OJSC Lead Institute VNIPIET, VNIIA n.a. Dukhov N. L., FSUE Eleron. The innovative products of Russian and foreign vendors were presented as well.
Chief executives of the Russian and foreign energy providers and representatives of the State Corporation Rosatom took part in the work of the plenary meeting, the topic of which was “High Technologies for Energy Economy of the Russian Federation”.
The following topics were discussed by participants in the framework of round tables and presentation sessions: “Supercomputer modelling technologies for solution of tasks in strategic industries of the RF”, “Mechanical engineering for energy production”, “State-of-the-art technologies for design and construction of complex engineering facilities”, “Process automation in power engineering and manufacturing industry”, “Opportunities of the nuclear industry suppliers”, “Superconducting materials, application prospects”, “State-of-the-art security technologies”, “Non-power application of radiation technologies. Atomedics”.
Two technical tours - to the Leningrad NPP and SPbAEP (branch office of the Lead Institute VNIPIET) - were arranged for the Forum participants. At the Leningrad NPP the visitors became familiar with the control system and NPP safety systems, as well as the phases of electrical energy production based on uranium nuclear decay. During the other engineering tour to SPbAEP (branch office of the Lead Institute VNIPIET) the virtual model of NPP power generating unit created on the basis of super-computer was demonstrated to the participants.
More than 300 specialists from Belorussia, Spain, Russia, Turkey, Finland, France, and Czech Republic took part in the events of the Forum business program. More than 18 Russian and foreign mass media covered the International Forum.