Rosneft will supply fuel for use of State EMERCOM Fire-Fighting Service by means of rail transport at the territory of all RF territorial entities. In its turn, Rosneft subsidiary RN-Card will provide service on transport fuelling at gasoline stations for EMERCOM institutions and organizations in central district, North-West regional center and administrations in other RF regions.
The supplies of aviation fuel will be delivered by RN-Aero in Central, Southern, Siberian and Far Eastern regional centers. It will also provide petroleum oil for those territorial bodies, institutions and organizations of EMERCOM which operate aviation equipment.
Furthermore, other Rosneft subsidiaries will also administer to Russian EMERCOM’s fuel wants, including: RN-Trade, Tulanefteprodukt, Samaranefteprodukt, NK Rosneft-Kubannefteprodukt, RN-Rostovnefteprodukt, RN-Yekaterinburgnefteprodukt, RN-Chelyabinsknefteprodukt, RN-Krasnoyarsknefteprodukt, RN-Vostoknefteprodukt, NK Rosneft-Kurgannefteprodukt.