The given rating is at the maximum possible sovereign level and corresponds to the credit rating of the Russian Federation (BBB with negative outlook) that is because of a massive support rendered by the government to Atomenergoprom and its organizations as well as because of the close strategic and operative ties with ROSATOM as the sole shareholder of Atomenergoprom, and with the state because of Atomenergoprom strategic significance for the Russian economy.
Besides, the factors, Fitch Ratings believes, that positively affect the ratings are the integrated business model of the corporation, which encompasses the entire nuclear production cycle; a sizable order portfolio; long-term contracts for delivery of uranium, fuel, conversion and enrichment services. In its press release the agency also notes that power delivery contracts have been signed in relation to new reactors Atomenergoprom is planning to build in Russia, which will ensure the company’s projected profitability.
Atomenergoprom was also granted the long-term credit rating as per the international scale at BBB- sovereign by Standard & Poor’s and the long-term rating at Baa2 by Moody’s Investors Service.