24 Января 2025 | пятница | 14:22

Uzbekistan wind power potential

Июля 22, 2014

Inсeption workshop on assessment and development of wind power potential in the Republic of Uzbekistan took place in SJSC Uzbekenergo for the stakeholders.

It was attended by the representatives of Ministry of Economy, UFRD, State Committee for Nature Protection, Centre of Hydrometeorological Service under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Chamber of commerce & industry, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Institute of Energy and Automation under Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Association of undertakings for alternative energy sources.

This workshop marked the start of contract for assessment of wind power potential (WPP) in the Republic of Uzbekistan between UE Talimarjan TPP SJSC Uzbekenergo and Intec-GOPA and GEONET (Germany) within Talimarjan Transmission Project financed out of World Bank funds.

The Republic of Uzbekistan and World Bank have signed a Loan Agreement to the amount of US $110 million towards the cost of Talimarjan Transmission Project (September 16 2011). As part of the Project Technical Assistance it has been scheduled to assist to SJSC Uzbekenergo in further program development for renewable energy sources, including assessment of wind power potential.

At the workshop opening it had been stated that the government of Uzbekistan attaches great importance to the development of renewable energy sources (RES). There are a number of ongoing projects on RES implementation and diversification of energy sources, development of legal framework. Assessment of wind power potential development would allow to carry out qualitative and quantitative analysis of wind power resources, what would further contribute to strengthening of the RES role in power supply and power balance of the country.

In the course of interaction, project’s experts - Department head Renewable energy sources Intec-GOPA Kuno Schallenberg, Project Manager Intec-GOPA Martina Dabo and Johannes Becker dealt with such questions as "Renewable Energy Market World Wide & Germany", "Technology Trends Wind", "Assessment and development of wind power in Uzbekistan".

Workshop participants got acquainted with the WPP assessment methodology, current status of Wind power technology trends worldwide. The workshop ended in active Q. and A. session, which covered prospects and future activities on increase in the share of renewable sources in Uzbekistan power balance.

In the following days the international consultants held a number of practical meetings and discussions at the ministries and institutions of the country, intending working on follow-up study and introduction of modern wind technology in our country. Foreign experts will continue their work on assessment of Uzbekistan wind power potential, transfer of skills and knowledge to Uzbek counterparts, as well as rendering assistance in establishment of local qualification for wind power development.

In the process of Talimarjan Transmission Project financed by World Bank the consulting firms Intec-GOPA and GEONET with the participation of SJSC Uzbekenergo specialists will be working on addressing such important tasks as development an information-analytical system of the Uzbekistan Wind Power Potential, including the creation of a Wind Atlas and to establish a system of permanent measurement and assessment of wind power potential all over the country;
Identification two demonstration site and carry out detailed meteorological studies to clarify the wind power potential of these areas, taking into account the technically viable potential, environmental and social risks, transfer the knowledge and assist in establishing local expertise in wind power development, development a bankable pre-feasibility study taking into account local requirements reflected in the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers №110 from June 7, 2007 in accordance with national requirements as well as requirements of international manufacturers of wind power equipment.

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