The peculiarities of anthropogenic activities are taken into account, including ecological regulations of shelf development.
The special representative of Russian president on international cooperation in Arctic and Antarctic, member of Rosneft Board of Directors Artur Chilingarov acted as the round table’s moderator, the meeting was also attended by leading scientists, engaged in Arctic research – oceanologists, biologists, geologists, geographers and ecologists.
Experts admitted importance and obvious need for resource development on Russian Arctic continental shelf and the associated process of implementing new approaches to research and working technologies in the region. The round table participants have also discussed ecological issues, which are the most prominent in Arctic development.
Artur Chilingarov has pointed out: “Complex scientific research and Russian Arctic development are impossible without collaboration of business, government and social institutes. I am happy to make a point that Rosneft pays special attention to the issue.”
The round table participants concurred with the view the deep interdisciplinary research of Arctic with all interested parties participating is really needed. Complex research of the region will facilitate effective, dynamic development of the region and ecological security.