After pre-commissioning and successfully carried out 72-hours’ tests under loading the unit was put into commercial operation.
During pre-commissioning power and vibration characteristics, turbine efficiency, cavitational and environmental indicators as well as a temperature mode of the guide bearing and pressure under hydroturbine cover were checked. All controlled parameters correspond to norms.
Under the contract Kanevskaya HPP modernized hydroturbine installing new runner and guide vane. After reconstruction the capacity of hydrounit will increase from 19,2 MW to 23 MW, the efficiency will increase by 4%, reliability and service life of the turbine will increase as well. OJSC "Тurboatom" also performed design, manufacture and supply of the turbine, provided supervision installation and pre-commissioning.
Kanevskaya HPP has installed 24 hydroturbines manufactured by OJSC "Тurboatom". After reconstruction 13 turbines are being commissioned, 1 turbine is being assembled.