07 Марта 2025 | пятница | 05:57

Fifth anniversary of commercial oil production start on Vankor field

Августа 26, 2014

The commercial production of Vankor oil, gas and condensate field started on September 21, 2009. In the period of five years more than 85 mln tons of oil and condensate were produced here.

At the moment daily production exceeds 60 thousand tons of oil.

The oil field with unique geological properties was discovered in 1988. Especially for its development in 2004 Rosneft set up Vankorneft. Within the shortest period of time a powerful industrial complex was created in tundra, in total absence of infrastructure. Vankor was the first of large fields in the new Russia, which was put into operation “from the scratch”. Today the most state-of-the-art high-tech and ecological manufacture, providing production, preparation, transport of oil and gas is created here. A preliminary water removal unit (UPSV-South) with a capacity of up 15 mln tons of oil per year, a long-distance 556-km-long Vankor-Purpe oil pipeline, a central production facility (CPF) with a capacity of 25 mln tons of oil per year, a crude storage with a volume of 180 thousand cubic meters, gas compressing stations, a gas treatment unit and a pipeline of external gas transportation were commissioned.

The production is provided by 362 oil wells, mostly horizontal ones, situated at multiple well platforms. UPSV-North, able to produce 9.8 mln tons of oil per year is under construction. A mini oil refinery capable of producing 50 thousand tons per year was built to meet the need in oil products. An extensive infrastructure – infield pipelines extending on 409 km, up to 120 km of roads, more than 1800 km of electrical power transmission lines – was constructed on the oil field.

A large-scale gas program is realized on Vankor field, which includes both transporting the prepared gas to the Unified Gas Supply System (up to 5.6 bln cubic meters per year) as well as reinjection of oil-dissolved gas in the shelf to keep the formation reservoir pressure.
As part of the Vankor field gas program realization, a 108-km-long Vankor- Khalmerpayutinskoye gas transmittal pipeline was constructed. To provide energy for technological processes of oil production and oil and gas preparation on the field, a proper gas turbine power plant with a capacity of 200 megawatt was built, which uses gas as a fuel.

On the basis of infrastructure, created in Vankor, the development of Vankor cluster oil deposits started. In November 2013 Rosneft chose Vankorneft to be an operator of Suzunskoye, Tagulskoye and Lodochnoye fields development. The generation of Vankor petroleum claster will let Rosneft increase its resource base in the region by more than 350 mln tons of oil.

Oil production industry is becoming one of the leading ones in the Krasnoyarsk Territory economy. The oil production by Company stimulates the development of the Territories’s related industries, contributes to modernization of contractors’ industrial capacities, implementation of the state-of-the-art technologies and modern management methods. Vankor has become a growth driver of the Territory’s aviation, shipping, building, service organizations, metallurgy, mechanic engineering and energy. At the moment the oil-industry workers are providing more than 150 enterprises and organizations of the region with contracts.

Rosneft is preparing specialists among local residents, including middle-ranking and high-ranking ones. The vocational colleges and technical schools of the Krasnoyarsk Territory provide new specialties for oil industry. In Igarsk, Turukhansk and Krasnoyarsk special “Rosneft-classes” were organized for the students of years of studies. The building of new educational and laboratory block of Siberian Federal University Oil and Gas Institute was carried out with a direct involvement of Rosneft. Its opening in 2010 gave the possibility to broaden the opportunities of the Krasnoyarsk young people, aiming at getting the oil worker’s cualification. Already in 2015 it is planned to hire first Oil and Gas Institute graduated, who were trained in “Rosneft-classes”.

Vankorneft carries out the development of the Vankor oil, gas and condensate field in the northern part of Krasnoyarsk Territory, in Turukhansky and Taimyr municipal districts. The initial recoverable reserves of oil are 499 million tons, and the initial recoverable reserves of gas are 182 billion cubic meters. At the moment Vankor project is primarily 17 licensed sites, situated alongside the borderline of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District. The total area of the sites is almost 12 thousand square km. There are six oil deposits on their territories: Vankorskoye, Tagulskoye, Suzunskoye, Lodochnoye, Ichemminskoye and Gorchinskoye fields. Moreover, there are six more licensed sites to the north of the main area (four of them in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and two on the territory of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District).

Адрес: 115114 Россия,
620137 г. Екатеринбург, ул. Студенческая, д. 1 корп. 3
Тел. / факс  (343) 345-09-72
г. Москва, 1-й Дербеневский переулок, д. 5 тел. (495) 287-98-51
E-mail: info@energyland.info
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