Test results were evaluated by a commission including OKB Gidropress, FSUE VO Safety, JSC Atomenergoproekt and experts of Izhorskiye Zavody and customer’s specialists. Reactor vessel testing is conducted on a special stand under the Programme for hydrotesting. During the tests a pressure of 24.5 MPa is generated inside the reactor vessel.
Hydrotesting proved durability of the main metal and welded junctions.
Izhorskiye Zavody are currently preparing for final assembly of reactor vessel for Tianwan NPP with reactor internals and upper unit cover, which represents one of the final stage in reactor production before delivery to the client.
In line with the contract signed in 2010 Izhorskiye Zavody produces primary coolant equipment with VVER-1000 reactor unit for third and fourth power units of the Tianwan NPP.
Izhorskiye Zavody also produced and delivered equipment for first and second power units of the Tianwan NPP. The units were put into operation in 2007. Tianwan NPP was built upon an improved Russian project. The majority of experts acknowledge that this is one of the safest nuclear power plants in the world.