The event is attended by major international companies of the Pacific Basin that are involved in all kinds of services including: the construction of NPPs and infrastructure objects as well as equipment production for the nuclear industry. Representatives of state authorities from the region and experts from research nuclear institutes are among the participants.
United exposition allows for attendees to find out more about modern Russian technologies, future and ongoing projects of Rosatom's enterprises in Russia and worldwide. Another highlight is Rosatom's innovative applications: the unique Russian floating NPP project and the latest Russian design NPP with VVER 1200. Visitors are interested in the uranium and fuel divisions of ROSATOM Corporation, its abroad projects (including possibilities in the North American market), expertise in nuclear fuel supply options for PWRs and research reactors, projects of NIAEP-ASE in engineering and construction of infrastructure objects, including waste and spent fuel management solutions. Additionally attendees are showing a high demand for Russian fast neutron reactors, especially BN-800 reactors.