The expo unites manufacturers and suppliers of isotope products, medical companies, research institutes, radiological safety and environmental monitoring organizations. Participants of the conference can see the exposition of ROSATOM which represents products and services of FSUE PA Mayak and OJSC Isotop, including radioisotopic products for medicine and industry.
A heavy business program has been arranged for congress participants.It includes over 300 reports and poster presentations on isotope production and application in nuclear medicine, agriculture, etc. In particular, a report was made by A.O. Vakulenko, the first deputy CEO for commercial issues of OJSC Isotop. He spoke of production capabilities of the isotope complex of ROSATOM. Besides, representatives of FSUE PA Mayak and OJSC Isotop held business meetings with their existing and potential partners on the conference sidelines.
The international conference on isotopes and expo (ICI) is held once per three years by the World Council on Isotopes (WCI) in different countries.The previous conference was held in Moscow in 2011 and was organized by State Corporation Rosatom. This year a hosting party is American Nuclear Society (ANS).Traditionally, the event format envisages an exposition and conference, including a plenary meeting, technical sessions and poster reports. More than 500 representatives of business, science and medicine from different countries take part in the business program of the international conference, including those from Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI); China Academy of Engineering Physics; EC Cooperative Research Center; US National Institute of Standards and Technology; National Laboratories in Brookhaven, Los Alamos and Argon, as well as representatives of the leading US and European universities.